For Companies
For quotes and information, contact us at info@nannyakuten.se or call us on +46 (0) 10 70 60 210
Children at home
Make it easier for your employees with childcare to work at the office knowing that their children are in safe hands.
READ MOREMeetings and events
We have made things easier for parents who are involved in company meetings, training and events...
READ MORESick children
We recognize that at a certain time of the year, many children fall sick…especially during the flu seasons. At this time, business projects suffer…
READ MOREOur business services comprises exactly of the same as our personal services.
The business services cater to all types of businesses from small businesses to the largest companies.

Make it easier for your employees
A lot of companies hire Nannyakuten services for their employees with children. Families also receive help with pickup, drop-off and babysitting in order for employees to maximize their time at work.
Help your employees combine work and family life by offering them Child care services as some sort of benefit or by offering the ability to make gross salary deductions for child care.
The most common situation is that the employees either need assistance at peak periods or that they have a regular day of the week that their children are picked up.
Nannyakuten has developed a number of different services for the employer to choose from.
Barnpassning under möten och företagsevenemang
Nu kan även föräldrar vara med på företagets möten, utbildningar och evenemang! Av erfarenhet vet vi att föräldrar ofta har svårt att komma loss och vara med på företagets aktiviteter eller möten. Många vill gärna vara med och känna gemenskapen inom företaget, men hindras av att barnen inte har någonstans att vara under tiden.
Vår tjänst Möten & evenemang ger dig som arbetsgivare en unik möjlighet att samla personalen för olika sammankomster där de samtidigt får ta med sig barnen. Vi har handplockade barnvakter som tar hand om barnen i era lokaler under tiden som föräldrarna och andra anställda är med på företagets aktivitet

Periods of illness and VAB
We recognize that there are certain periods of the year that all forms of bacteria are out there and many fall sick. Children are especially affected, as it is easier for them to pass on bacteria to one another. This creates difficult situations for companies and workers and it becomes impossible to complete projects and assignments.
Nannyakutens’ care services are designed to help companies that need to get more fluency in their operations and higher reliability in planning.
Nannaykuten has nannies that specialize in taking care of sick children so that employees have the opportunity to fulfill their commitments.
We have various packages from single hours (for the parent to be able to participate in important meetings) to a full day.
Children who are ill require the very best. Therefore, we have hand picked a number of nurses who work with us and are designated for this service.
With quality external training and our stringent recruitment requirements, we are certain that parents and children will feel secure.